ACELG in the News


Research affirms value of local government - UTS Newsroom - 2 July 2015

National local government research symposium - ALGA News - 2 July 2015

Marrickville Council Media Release - Why Local Government Matters - Marrickville Council - 29 June 2015

How local government can help build social cohesion in our communities - ALGA News - 26 June 2015

Social cohesion the aim of new online resource - UTS Newsroom - 25 June 2015

Building social cohesion in our communities: an online resource for local government - Australian Policy Online - 24 June 2015

Report affirms value of local government to communities - VLGA eNews - 22 June 2015

Report affirms value of Local Government to communities - ALGA News - 19 June 2015

New tools to close social remoteness - Government Career - 18 June 2015

New tool to promote social cohesion - LG Focus - 17 June 2015

The untapped value of older workers - SMH - 16 June 2015

Untapped value of older labour force - UTS Newsroom - 16 June 2015

Amalgamations up to individual communities, says new Local Government Association of Tasmania chief - The Daily Telegraph - 15 June 2015

Local Government Matters: Full Report 2015 - Australian Policy Online - 12 June 2015

Framework for learning in local areas - ALGA News - 12 June 2015

Plea to avoid rate cap and CPI link - The Weekly Advertiser - 10 June 2015

Councils face uphill battle to avoid mergers after Independent Pricing and Regulatory Authority sets population targets - Boorowa News - 6 June 2015

People reject privatisation, want government services - Surat Basin - 3 June 2015

Tiny Council's major merger opposition - The Mercury - 24 May 2015, p17

Local government: Wagga Wagga pulls together where it counts - SMH - 24 May 2015

Australian cities look to Geelong's multi-pronged approach to growth - Geelong Advertiser - 22 May 2015

Learning is earning in local gov - Government Career - 8 May 2015

How local governments support leadership capacity - LG Manager - 2015

White Paper on Reform of the Federation: Implications for Local Government - LG Manager - 2015

ACELG Research: Leadership and Partnership - MAV Bulletin - 17 April 2015

ACELG Research - Leadership and Partnership - ALGA News - 10 April 2015

Local government growing regional Australia - MAV Bulletin - 10 April 2015

Our region shows how it's done - Central Telegraph - 30 March 2015

New Report - Local Government Growing Regional Australia - LGAT News - 27 March 2015

Local Government Growing Regional Australia - ALGA News - 27 March 2015

Report backs local government as a driver of regional development - UTS Newsroom - 26 March 2015

First the carrot, then the stick? State policy on council amalgamations examined - SMH - 24 March 2015

2015 National State of the Assets Community Infrastructure Report - ALGA News - 13 March 2015

Women still under-represented in local government - Brisbane Times - 2 March 2015

Community infrastructure data collection set to start - ALGA News - 27 February 2015

Local government a "powerhouse" of the economy - UTS Newsroom - 23 February 2015

Local Government: Australia's Economic and Workforce Powerhouse - LGAQ Council Courier - 20 February 2015

Australia's Economic and Workforce Powerhouse - LG Focus - 19 February 2015

Roberta Ryan Interview - Radio Skid Row 'Close to Home' local government program - 19 February 2015

Australia's Economic and Workforce Powerhouse - Government Career - 18 February 2015

Local government workers: they're not getting any younger - Government News - 17 February 2015

Profile of local government workforce launched - Local Government News - 16 February 2015

Local government workforce: older, more indigenous workers - The Mandarin - 16 February 2015

State of the Assets work expands - Australian Local Government Association - 13 February 2015

Australia's Economic and Workforce Powerhouse - Australian Local Government Association - 13 February 2015

Wellington Council to drop its maintenance of Crown roads - Wellington Times - 4 February 2015

Will three become one? Orange councillors to discuss merging options - Blayney Chronicle - 2 February 2015

Local government: Australia’s real economic workhorse? - The Mandarin - 29 January 2015

Talking Dirty on Debt - Government News - 12 January 2015


Local Government International Exchange and Cooperation Seminar in Japan focuses on supporting regions - ALGA News - 12 December 2014

ACELG local government degrees emphasise practitioner-focused learning - LG Focus, p. 21 - December 2014

Exchange of ideas in Japan on local government regional challenges - Local Government News - 10 December 2014

Manual for Long-term Integrated Council Planning - LGAT - 5 December 2014

Thinking ahead: developing the local government workforce - LG Manager - Spring 2014

Too many councils - and most NSW voters agree - SMH - 24 November 2014

Manual for long-term integrated council planning - Government Career - 13 November 2014

Government Concern - Wauchope Gazette - 30 October 2014

Sydney parents miss out on childcare places thanks to outdated council capping - Daily Telegraph - 28 October 2014

Racism Resource - SMH, p. 29 - 21 October 2014

Local government briefs - SMH - 20 October 2014

Fostering social cohesion - ALGA News - 17 October 2014

Sydney councils baulk at mergers despite promise of big funding boost - SMH - 4 October 2014

Key role for ALCEG in tackling racism - Local Government News - 3 October 2014

New Vice President of international local government organisation – from ACELG! - Government Career - 2 October 2014

Pakistani women’s active participation in politics remains elusive - The News International (Pk) - 30 September 2014

A long way from empowering intergovernmental relations - The News International (Pk) - 30 September 2014

International recognition for ACELG's Melissa Gibbs - Local Government News - 29 September 2014

Brawling North Sydney Council seeks Governance Coordinator - Government News - 29 September 2014

The local government reform Sydney needs to beat out Melbourne - The Mandarin - 26 September 2014

Appointment acknowledges research centre's international reach - UTS Newsroom - 25 September 2014

Survey on local democracy - Local Government News - 25 September 2014

From the CEO - Public Works Professional - Sep/Oct 2014

Crumbs for Some Councils Under Reforms - SMH - 23 September 2014

White Paper on the reform of the Federation: implications for Australian local government - Australia Policy Online - 23 September 2014

International experts meet to discuss democratic devolution in Pakistan - Pakistan Times - 22 September 2014

Baird government offers NSW councils $250m to merge - SMH - 10 September 2014

Guidelines for the Planning and Development for Childcare - ALGA News - 5 September 2014

New guidelines plan for more child care places – UTS Newsroom – 3 September 2014

Online Community Engagement for Remote Councils - LG NSW Weekly - 29 August 2014

Online source for better local links – Government Career – 28 August 2014

New community engagement toolkit for 'RRI' councils – LG News – 28 August 2014

Meeting the challenge of ongoing child care – LG News - 28 August 2014

Bureaucrats love to consult writes Harvey Grennan - SMH Digital Edition - 26 August 2014

Schools and sports clubs key to childcare crisis - The Australian - 26 August 2014

Online community engagement toolkit for rural, remote and Indigenous councils - Australian Policy Online - 22 August 2014

Local Government Research in Darwin – ALGA News – 22 August 2014

Bright idea to save Orange council money - Central Western Daily - 20 August 2014

Climate Adaptation Planning - LGA News - Aug/Sep 2014

First whole-of-region councillor training - GovernmentCareer - August 2014

Are Utilities Dodging LED Street Lamps? - Sourceable - 13 August 2014

LED lights are streets ahead for hitting emissions target - Sydney Morning Herald - 12 August 2014

Focus on creating public value in local government - Local Government News - 8 August 2014

IPWEA: electricity utilities impeding LED street lighting - The Fifth Estate - 6 August 2014

Action required to harness benefits of LED street lighting - Local Government News - 1 August 2014

Guide for climate change - LG Focus - August 2014

Strong interest predicted in sale of Canberra's street lights - SMH - 30 July 2014

Shifting to LED street lamps - Radio National - 30 July 2014

Councils ramp up parking fines to boost revenue - Central Western Daily - 20 July 2014

Local government recruitment made easier - ALGA News - 18 July 2014

Local Government Recruitment Made Easier - Government Career - 17 July 2014

Happy Birthday ACELG! Five Years Young - Government Career - 14 July 2014

ACELG five years on - Local Government News - 14 July 2014

Local government recruitment made easier - VLGA eNews - 14 July 2014

Service delivery manual offers practical tips - ASSET e-news - 13 July 2014

LED street lights save councils - LG Focus - July 2014

Local government think-tank marks five influential years - UTS Newsroom - 9 July 2014

ACELG guides council evaluation of service delivery - Government News - 26 June 2014

Service delivery review manual for local government - Government News - 26 June 2014

Indigenous public sector jobs set to take a hit - Government News - 3 June 2014

Budget could undermine local government's Indigenous employment leadership - UTS Newsroom - 2 June 2014

Local government ready to 'fire up' the Australian economy - ASSET eNews - 1 June 2014

Climate change manual launched - ALGA News - 23 May 2014

Local government ready to 'fire up' the economy - UTS Newsroom - 23 May 2014

Raft of cost savings reforms at risk after Budget - Government News - 22 May 2014

Local government leads on climate risk adaptation - UTS Newsroom - 15 May 2014

National climate adaptation resource for councils - Government Career - 15 May 2014

Leadership critical for council professionals - Canberra Times, The Age, SMH, Augusta-Margaret River Mail - 15 May 2014

Climate adaptation manual for local government: embedding resilience to climate change - Australian Policy Online - 14 May 2014

Sister Cities and International Alliances - Govlink Magazine, pp. 58-9 - 2 May 2014

Talking Dirty on Debt - Government News, p. 42 - Apr/May 2014

Young women sorely underepresented in local councils - Daily Life - 26 April 2014

Key report into appointment of local government CEOs - LG News - 15 April 2014

National Local Government Workforce Development Forum briefed on geographic labour mobility - ALGA - 11 April 2014

Councils should borrow a lot more says expert - SMH - 8 April 2014

Report on food safety launched - LGA SA News - Apr/May 2014

'Debt' is not a dirty word, states new report - Melbourne Times - 7 April 2014

President's Column - ALGA News - 4 April 2014

Debt is Not a Dirty Word - ALGA News - 4 April 2014

Senior public servants sacked without explanation - SMH - 1 April 2014

The State of Local Representation in Australia - LGAT News - March 2014

Being a Local Government Researcher - LGAT News - March 2014

Report on asset management - LG Focus - March 2014

From the CEO - Public Works Professional - Mar/Apr 2014

Nhill hosts Rural Councils Victoria Rural Summit - The Wimmera Mail Times - 28 March 2014

'Victoria only needs six councils' - 3AW - 27 March 2014

Food safety strategy for local communities - ALGA News - 21 March 2014

Multicultural Council Meets with Local Government - ALGA - March 2014

Provinces unaware of their right to tax gains - The News (International) - 13 March 2014

Food Safety Strategy for Local Government Communities - GovernmentCareer - 13 March 2014

Local government partnership in food safety research - LG News - 13 March 2014

Local Government Research Forum - Australian Policy Online - 12 March 2014

Food safety: maximising impact by understanding the food business context - Australian Policy Online - 12 March 2014

'Snouts in trough' or friendly gesture? Sister city program under fire - SMH - 9 March 2014

Sister city programs become family fueds - The Sun-Herald (p. 11) - 9 March 2014

ACELG Research Forum - MAV Bulletin - 7 March 2014

Research paper - SMH (p. 31) - 4 March 2014

ACELG research forum in Melbourne - VLGA eNews - 3 March 2014

Representation - LGA News - Feb/Mar 2014

Don't be seduced by dirty talk on debt, governments warned - Government News - 25 February 2014

Local government and use of debt - LG News - 24 February 2014

ACELG delegation attends Japanese seminar - LG News - 20 February 2014

ACELG Director leads local government delegation to Japan - NHK - 11 February 2014

Greater use of Debt by Councils Recommended for Future Performance - LGMA News - February 2014

ACELG Partnership Scheme - ALGA News - 31 January 2014

Research partnership scheme - MAV Bulletin - 24 January 2014

ACELG calls for local government research proposals - LG News - 16 January 2014

New-look ACELG website to enhance learning and network building - LG News - 16 January 2014


Councils support their regions - LGA News - Dec 2013 / Jan 2014

A Citizen Approach: National Research into the Role of Citizen Committees - Western Councillor - Oct-Nov 2013, p. 28

Public participation in an era of governance: lessons from Europe for Australian local government - Australian Policy Online - 3/12/13

The state of local representation in Australia - LG News - 4/12/13

Issues in local representation: a view from Victoria - Australian Policy Online - 3/12/13

Local representation in Australia: a review of the legislation and literature - Australian Policy Online - 3/12/13

Local government engaged in Indigenous employment discussion - ALGA News - Nov 13

Diversity of local government research - LG News - 14/11/13

New ACELG Research - VLGA eNews - 11/11/13

National Indigenous Employment in Local Government Roundtable - ALGA News - 8/11/13

UTS wins NSW Government bid to lead climate adaptation research - UTS Newsroom - 7/11/13

Local government – a key employer providing quality opportunities - LG News - 6/11/13

Positive shape of the local government workforce - GovernmentCareer - 6/11/13

Profile of the local government workforce - APO Online - 6/11/13

A snapshot of Federal interventions in local government - LG News - 4/11/13

New national skills for elected members - ALGA News - 1/11/13

Report on better data use - LGA News - Oct-Nov/13

New faces for ACELG - LG Manager - Oct-Nov/13

Why does the gender gap persist? - LG Manager - Oct-Nov/13

Amalgamations: not plain sailing - LG Manager - Oct-Nov/13

Front-line persepctives - LG Manager - Oct-Nov/13

Skilled Councillors Accredit to Government - Government News - Oct-Nov/13, pp. 22-3

New accreditation program for NSW councillors launched - Local Government NSW - October 2013

Local government practitioners' guide - CLGF eNews - 22/10/13

Reform paper suggests greater powers for mayors - Brisbane Times - 8/10/13

Reform paper suggests greater powers for mayors - SMH - 8/10/13

Two councillors in LGNSW body - Daily Liberal - 5/10/13

National Workforce Strategy - LGANT - 4/10/13

National Skills for Elected Members - LGANT - 4/10/13

ACELG 2012 Annual Report - LGANT - 4/10/13

Strengthening Local Government Citizen Committees - LGAT Newsletter - No 17/13, 27/9/13

The role and future of citizen committees in local government - MAV Bulletin - No 949, 27/9/13

Nationally Accredited Skills For NSW Elected Councillors - GovLink - 23/9/13

Strengthening local government citizen committees - GovernmentCareer - 19/9/13

Strengthening local government citizen committees - LG News - 19/9/13

The role and future of citizen committees in Australian local government - Australian Policy Online - 19/9/13

New workforce approach to strengthen local government - LG Focus - September 2013 (vol. 29, no. 9)

Supporting community learning in local government - LG Focus - September 2013 (vol. 29, no. 9)

National Local Government Workforce Strategy released - ALGA News - 30/8/13

Embedding climate change adaptation into local government planning - LG News - 20/8/13

Strategic planning in Australian local government - ALGA News - 16/8/13

ACELG National Local Government Researchers` Forum - LGA News - Aug/Sep 2013

National local government workforce strategy a `landmark` - LG News - 9/8/13

ACELG focus on corporate planning and reporting, and use of population data - LG News - 9/8/13

Strategy to boost Local Government - GovernmentCareer - 8/8/13

Strategic planning in Australian local government - Australian Policy Online - 8/8/13

Looking ahead: a guide for local government practitioners` use of demographic data - Australian Policy Online - 7/8/13

Release of local government workforce strategy - LG News - 5/8/13

Local governments could be 60,000 workers short - Government News - 5/8/2013

Future-proofing local government: national workforce strategy 2013-2020 - Australian Policy Online - 2/8/13

Local public broadband - the missing link in Australia’s broadband debate? - Australian Policy Online - 1/8/13

Review of current local government reform processes in Australia and New Zealand - Australian Policy Online - 13/6/13

ALGA President opens Local Government Researchers` Forum - ALGA News - 14/6/13

Focus on local government review and reform processes - LG News - 13/6/13

Queensland to test public happiness - GovernmentCareer - 12/6/13

Local Wellbeing - LGAQ Council Courier - 7/6/13

Local government fostering learning partnerships - LG News - 6/6/13

Bridging the gap for good finds a higher calling - SMH - 21/5/13

Local government sector set to measure community wellbeing - UTS Newsroom - 13/5/13

Community wellbeing indicators: measures for local government - Australian Policy Online - 13/5/13

Analysing progress on community wellbeing - LG News - 6/5/13

Local government workforce strategy to be released soon - LG News - 2/5/13

Knowledge city - Australian Policy Online - 2/5/13

Local research builds a Knowledge City - LG News - 1/5/13

Regions endure turbulence over FIFO mining workforce - Government News - 24/4/13

Stronger Local Government revenues - LGA News - Apr/May 2013

Our Place in Space: Q&A with ACELG Director - Public Works Professional - Mar/Apr 2013

Social Enterprises and Local Government - LGAT - 28/3/13

Bridging the gap – social enterprise and local government - LG News - 28/3/13

ACELG kicks off social enterprise study - GovernmentCareer - 28/3/13

Database of rural-remote and indigenous local government community engagement resources - Australian Policy Online - 27/3/13

Social enterprises and local government: a scoping study - Australian Policy Online - 27/3/13

ACELG program kicks off - GovernmentCareer - 21/3/13

Stronger local government revenues - MAV Bulletin - 8/3/13

Scoping study focuses on local government & social enterprises - LG News - 6/3/13

ACELG Update - LGA News - Feb/Mar 2013

In our hands: strengthening local government revenue for the 21st century - Australian Policy Online - 28/2/13

ACELG details stronger revenue streams for councils - GovernmentCareer - 28/2/13

ACELG working paper focuses on generating council revenue - LG News - 27/2/13

Robin Hood to make us pay - The Telegraph - 14/2/13

Make your knowledge matter: guide to developing and documenting research - Australian Policy Online - 7/2/13

ACELG releases excellence research guide - GovernmentCareer - 7/2/13

Guide to enhance level of local government research - LG News - 5/2/13

A national review of education and training in local government skills shortage areas - Australian Policy Online - 30/1/13

Australian Government surveys Local Government - ALGA News - 25/1/13


New ACELG director appointed - GovernmentCareer - 6/12/12

Councils urged to boost Indigenous workforce - ABC News - 4/12/12

Advancing leadership - Australian Policy Online - 3/12/12

Innovation in Australian local government - MAV Bulletins - 30/11/12

Call to participate in local government census - ALGA News - 30/11/12

Inaugural local government workforce census starts - GovernmentCareer - 29/11/12

New director for key local government research centres - UTS Newsroom - 28/11/12

This Census Needs You! - LG Manager - 28/11/12

New director for ACELG - LG News - 27/11/12

First census on local government workforce to commence - MAV Newsletter - 23/11/12

ACELG launches pilot census - GovernmentCareer - 22/11/12

First census on local government workforce - LG News - 15/11/12

ACELG announces national local government census - IPWEA Blog Viewer - 15/11/12

Clear message to NSW local government review panel - LG News - 8/11/12

ACELG examines council service review processes - Public Works Professional - Nov/Dec 12

Community engagement in rural-remote and Indigenous local government - Australian Policy Online - 17/10/12

Strong mayors means strong councils finds ACELG - GovernmentCareer - 11/10/12

Australian mayors: what can and should they do? - Australian Policy Online - 5/10/12

The case for `semi executive` mayors - Australian Policy Online - 4/10/12

Study to explore relationships between social enterprises and local government - GovernmentCareer - 4/10/12

Assessing links between social enterprises and local governments - LG News - 2/10/12

Mayors & CEOs: Exploring Relationships - LGA News - October/November 2012

Scrutinising local democracy - LG News - 26/9/12

Political management in Australian local government exploring roles and relationships between Mayors and CEOs - Australian Policy Online - 25/9/12

New research to explore role of citizens` committees - MAV Bulletin - 21/9/12

ACELG sheds light on successful Mayor-CEO relationship - GovernmentCareer - 20/9/12

Panel will take a crystal-ball look at local government - Adelaide Now - 20/9/12

Defining a successful Mayor-CEO relationship - LG News - 19/9/12

Innovation, ingenuity and initiative: the adoption and application of new ideas in Australian Local Government - Australian Policy Online - 14/9/12

Mapping the right course: Interview with Graham Sansom - Public Works Professional - Sep/Oct 2012

Role of citizens` committees in local government - LG News - 13/9/12

Strong response to local government Listening Tour - LG News - 13/9/12

Does local government matter? - National Times - 9/9/12

Invitation to Local Government Research Forum - ALGA News - 7/9/12

Roundtable focuses on local government data needs and issues - LG News - 30/8/12

Strategic social media approach key finds ACELG - GovernmentCareer - 23/8/12

Connecting with communities: how local government is using social media to engage with citizens - Australian Policy Online - 22/8/12

The benefits of social media for local government - LG News - 22/8/12

Solving challenges in regional Australia: can localism work? - Australian Policy Online - 20/8/12

Conference discusses strengthening local government revenue - ALGA News - 17/8/12

Local government revenue and capacity in the spotlight - LG News - 16/8/12

ACELG conference examines revenue capacity - GovernmentCareer - 16/8/12

ACELG Update - Service Reviews - LGA News - August/September 2012, p. 12

ACELG searching for new director - LG News - 8/8/12

ACELG Director to retire - LG News - 3/8/12

Service review systems the subject of ACELG study - LG News - 2/8/12

Assessing council asset and financial management processes - LG News - 26/7/12

Consultations under way for NSW review of local government - GovernmentCareer - 26/7/12

National Assessment Framework to assist councils with financial management - GovernmentCareer - 26/7/12

Key issues for WA local government under review - LG News - 19/7/12

Consultations underway for review of NSW local government - LG News - 9/7/12

Consultations under way for review of NSW local government - GovernmentCareer - 6/7/12

Social media poses challenges for local government - LG News - 5/7/12

ACELG publishes social media report - GovernmentCareer - 5/7/12

Using social media in local government 2011 survey report - Australian Policy Online - 3/7/12

Communities of Practice - Asset Management - Public Works Professional - July/August 2012

Local action for a low carbon future - Australian Policy Online - 27/6/12

Letters: Over-governed and under-served - Adelaide Now - 21/6/12

Challenges facing rural-remote councils identified - LG News - 1/6/12

Rural-remote and Indigenous local government program: capacity building survey - Australian Policy Online - 30/5/12

Talent is breaking the glass ceiling - The Weekend Australian - 26-27/5/12

ACELG paper assesses the importance of shared services - LG News - 25/5/12

Promoting best practice in innovation and change - LG News - 25/5/12

Legal and governance models for shared services in local government - Australian Policy Online - 24/5/12

Local government workforce strategy near completion - LG News - 17/5/12

ACELG looks at `fly-in/fly-out` work practices - LG News - 17/5/12

Role and expectations of rural-remote and Indigenous local government - Australian Policy Online - 16/2/12

Impact of fly-in fly-out/ drive-in drive-out work practices on local government - Australian Policy Online - 11/5/12

ACELG releases community governance report - GovernmentCareer - 10/5/12

Accentuating the importance of community governance - LG News - 3/5/12

`Roundtables` assist program development by ACELG - LG News - 26/4/12

Options to Measure Liveability - LGA News - April/May 2012

Positioning Local Government for a Clean Energy Future - LGA News - April/May 2012

Local government workforce strategy being revised - LG News - 19/4/12

Expert local government panel finalised - LG News - 19/4/12

National Remuneration Survey for Local Government released - Government Career - 19/4/12

Workforce development forum deals with key local government challenges - LG News - 12/4/12

Collaborative governance and metropolitan planning in South East Queensland - 1990 to 2010 - Australian Policy Online - 11/4/12

ACELG offers research opportunities for local government - LG News - 5/4/12

New research measures what makes communities liveable - MAV Bulletin - 30/3/12

Leading local government researcher to head review of NSW councils - UTS Newsroom - 22/3/12

Panel to set direction for NSW councils - LG News - 22/3/12

Amalgamation on table for struggling councils - Sydney Morning Herald - 21/3/12

Report on local government researchers forum - Australian Policy Online - 19/3/12

New ACELG research into what makes communities liveable - LG News - 9/3/12

It`s a heavy workload out back - Sydney Morning Herald - 6/3/12

Focus on rural-remote and Indigenous local government communities - LG News - 1/3/12

New Practice Note on Financial Planning in Local Government Released - Government Career - 16/2/12

Major research into Australia`s clean energy future - LG News - 16/2/12

Local Government eLearning platform launches - Government Career - 8/2/12

News from ACELG - LGA News - February/March 2012

A comparative analysis of regional organisations of councils in NSW and Western Australia - Australian Policy Online - 30/1/12

Mid-February release of draft workforce strategy - LG News - 27/1/12

Study of regional organisations of councils in NSW released - Government Career - 25/1/12

ROCs to expand despite concerns - Sydney Morning Herald - 24/1/12

Study explores the value of ROCs - LG News - 19/1/12

Report into NSW ROCs operations released - Government Career - 18/1/12


Local Government and Community Engagement in Australia - Working Paper - Government Career - 10/11/11

Slow progress is a burden to reforms  - The Age - 8/11/11

Local government and community engagement in Australia - Australian Policy Online - 7/11/11

Community engagement the focus of ACELG working paper - LG News - 3/11/11

Be aware of trends that impact on service delivery - LG News - 27/10/11

Local government inquiries leave much `unfinished business`: Report - Government Career - 6/10/11

Unley wins silver award in the 50:50 vision gender equity program - LG Focus -10/11

Local Government leadership scholarships awarded to South Australians - LG Focus -10/11

LGA partnerships get national approval - LGA (SA) Media Release - 28/9/11

A Decade of Inquiries into Australian Local Government: Unfinished Business? - VLGA eNews - 26/9/11

ACELG working paper assesses inquiries into local government - LG News - 22/9/11

Speech to the ANZSOG Excellence in Local Government Leadership Program dinner - Simon Crean - 9/9/11

2011 Excellence in Local Government Leadership Program - Focus: LGMA TAS - 30/8/11

ACELG calls for forum contributions - Government Career - 25/8/11

Implementing the Australian business excellence framework: eight local government case studies - Australian Policy Online - 22/8/11

Local Government Researchers Forum 2011 - ALGA News - 19/8/11

Land Use Planning E-Bulletin: Research A Vitual Network - Municipal Association of Victoria - 19/8/11

Local government and community engagement: annotated bibliography - Australian Policy Online - 12/8/11

Local Government excellence framework published - Government Career - 11/8/11

Councils urged to strengthen Indigenous employment - LG News - 5/8/11

MAV Workshop: The growing role of local government in strengthing Community Governance: what `works` - Municipal Association of Victoria - 1/8/11

New interactive knowledge forum for local government professionals - Government Career - 21/7/11

Consolidation in local government: a fresh look by the Australian Centre for Excellence - CLGF News - 15/7/11

Consolidation in local government: a fresh look by the Australian Centre for Excellence Part 1 - Australian Policy Online - 15/7/11

Consolidation in local government: a fresh look by the Australian Centre for Excellence Part 2 - Australian Policy Online - 15/7/11

Call for local government to lead on climate change research, policy and practice - Public Works Engineering Magazine - 6/7/11

Tax system review - ALGA News - 1/7/11

Implications of future tax system review on local government report released - GovernmentCareer - 30/6/11

Bigger councils `stronger but not cheaper` - - 10/6/11

There`s more than one way to join forces - Sydney Morning Herald - 7/6/11

New web network for local government researchers - LG News - 3/6/11

ACELG says further change key to local government sustainability - LG News - 20/5/11

Local government urged to show climate change leadership - GovernmentCareer - 19/5/11

Should councils take action on global politics? - Sydney Morning Herald - 9/5/11

LGMA Investigates Local Government Staff Retention Issues - Government Career Local - 21/4/11

Tassie Councils Leading the Way in Gender Equity - LGAT News Magazine - March 2011

Bronze awards for 3 coastal councils - The Advocate (TAS) - 31/1/11

ACELG challenges local government to undertake major reform - LG News - 20/1/11


ACELG reviews frameworks to help promote excellence in local government - LG News - 2/12/10

Councils respond to ACELG survey on promoting excellence in local government - LG News - 18/11/10

ACELG discussion paper focuses on asset and financial management tool - LG News - 8/10/10

Tailored planning resources for rural and remote councils - LG News - 8/10/10

Plan for more jobs for indigenous workers - Sydney Morning Herald - 5/10/10

Inspiring the next generation of local leaders - Government News - 16/9/10

Council moves towards workforce gender equality - ABC - 27/8/10

Councils must increase Indigenous employment - Government News - 2/8/10

LG Indigenous Employment Program Green Paper - Closing the Gap Through Place-Based Employment - Local Government Managers Australia - 30/7/10

Workforce sits on demographic faultline - Government News - 30/7/10

Building world class local government - Local Government Managers Australia (WA) - Winter 2010 (p 23-27)