Building social cohesion in diverse communities

Building social cohesion in diverse communities
03 October 2014

ACELG has just been appointed by the Australian Human Rights Commission to develop an online resource to assist local government to prevent and respond to racism and intercommunity conflict as part of the National Anti-Racism Strategy. We are seeking input from councils regarding initiatives that they have undertaken to foster social cohesion.

The National Anti-Racism Strategy was launched in August 2012. Its aim is to promote a clear understanding in the Australian community of what racism is and how it can be prevented and reduced. The Australian Human Rights Commission is leading the implementation of the Strategy.

The Strategy focuses on public awareness, education resources and youth engagement. It is underpinned by research, consultation and evaluation. A key initiative of the Strategy is the 'Racism. It Stops with Me' campaign which currently has close to 300 organisational supporters.

Why local governments have an important role in racism and social cohesion

Research on international best practice in preventing racial discrimination highlights the importance of effective interventions at the community level. In addition, local government is very well placed to contribute to building social cohesion in each of the key domains identified in the Scanlon-Monash Index of Social Cohesion: belonging; social justice and equity; participation: acceptance and rejection, and worth.

As such, under the Anti-Racism Strategy, the Australian Human Rights Commission, has prioritised the development of a practical resource to support local governments respond to racism and strengthen social cohesion in their communities.

More about the online resource

The online resource will use evidence-based research, draw on best practice examples in Australia and overseas and provide practical tools and advice to strengthen social cohesion in diverse communities.

It will focus on:

  • Effective prevention of, and responses to, racism and inter-community conflict 
  • Partnerships and community governance models
  • Youth engagement and leadership.

The resource will be available on the ACELG website from July 2015.

We need your help

We are looking to a showcase a number of local governments in this resource. We'd like to hear from you if your organisation has:

  • Implemented strategies, policies and programs to build social cohesion and/or prevent or respond to racism
  • Adopted any internal strategies for cultural diversity in the workplace
  • Partnered with other organisations, such as police, non-government organisations and/or community groups to strengthen relationships between communities or respond to community tensions;
  • Worked with specific sections of the community, especially young people, to understand their attitudes to different cultures
  • Worked to build relationships between diverse communities such as multicultural and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities or different faith groups.

Whilst we're happy to uncover the success stories, we would also like to find out about things which didn't work and why and, the lessons you learnt along the way.

If you have information you’d like to share, please contact us on [email protected] before Friday 7 November, 2014.

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