Fly-In Fly-Out Work practices and Local Government
Fly-In Fly-Out Work practices and Local Government
09 May 2012

The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government has completed a scoping study entitled, Impact of Fly-In Fly-Out/ Drive-In Drive-Out Work Practices on Local Government.
Undertaken by Dr Robyn Morris (Edith Cowan University), the research identifies potential gaps in the literature, provides a greater understanding of the impacts of Fly-In Fly-Out/ Drive-In Drive-Out work practices within the local government context, and suggests areas to focus upon for future research.
The study draws upon sector expertise, key literature and submissions to an Inquiry by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Australia into the use of ‘fly-in, fly-out’ and ‘drive-in, drive-out’ workforce practices in regional Australia.